
I spend much of my on-line time using Google Reader where I skim rss feeds from Major News Media, Blogs and other sources from around the world. With the many tools that GR provides, I'm able to search and organize all that data in a manner most intuitive, to me. That's important, to me. A visitor to this page can get an idea of who I am and how I think from the list of links below.

GR also allows me to curate and publish my own rss feeds by topic;
  • Hacks - Compute/Internet tips and tricks I've checked out and found to be useful.
  • Inspectulation - Intrigue, conspiracy, mystery, and speculative thinking of the highest order.
  • Cyberwar - Clippings from credible sources concerning internet security.
  • Absurd - Whacky, weird, and nearly always funny stuff I find.
  • Local News - Clippings from local news sources ( Southern Illinois ).
Each of the pages listed above can be subscribed to via rss ( atom ), which allows you to follow them in your RSS Reader. I usually update them daily.

Links to useful pages I author;

Links to pages authored by other folks;